Travel to Myanmar – Episode 354

categories: asia travel

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Hear about travel to Myanmar as the Amateur Traveler talks to Dustin Main from about Myanmar (Burma).

Dustin says, “Myanmar is very very quickly becoming a hot destination. For years, because the military government had been and still is sort running the show there, a lot of western countries didn’t recommend that people travel there. And the democratic opposition in the country had even put a tourism boycott out there a few years ago. So over the last few years very very few people have been to the country.”

“But as some recent things have happened, particularly in the last 18 months, most prominently was when president Obama actually came to visit, just about a month ago, in November. It is quickly going on the map as a tourism destination in Asia that is fairly untouched. And where you can avoid the crowds of an Angkor Wat or the Beaches in Thailand and get a more real experience.”

Dustin describes valleys filled with fog with spires of Buddhist temples appearing from the mist, but he also describes a country where the roads are still so bad you might fly from place to place instead and where getting money might not be as simple as a visit to the local ATM.

The big 4 places to visit in Myanmar are Yangon, Mandalay, Bagan, and Inle Lake. Dustin takes us a bit more off the beaten path based on the 3 months he spent this last year traveling around the country. He takes us hiking among some of the hill tribes near Kalaw and Pindaya. He takes us south of the temple of the Golden Rock to the village of Mawlamyine. He takes us to the limestone caves of Hpa-an and hiking up to the top of Mount Zwegabin where you can stay in a monastery.


right click here to download (mp3)
right click here to download (iTunes version with pictures)

Show Notes

Travel to Burma / Myanmar – Episode 85
Skinny Backpacker
President Obama Visits Burma
The Big-Four Frenzy
The Golden Rock
Myanmar Information
Burma Superstar!
Myanmar Currency
Betel Chewing in Myanmar
Myanmar and MasterCard


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Thanks for the iTunes reviews!
Robert on Travel to Queensland’s Sunshine Coast – Episode 353
Jim on Travel to London, England – Episode 352

Traveling Soon? These useful links will help you prepare for your trip.
Travel to Myanmar - What to do, see and eat (Podcast)

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Chris Christensen

by Chris Christensen

Chris Christensen is the creator of the Amateur Traveler blog and podcast. He has been a travel creator since 2005 and has won awards including being named the "Best Independent Travel Journalist" by Travel+Leisure Magazine.

One Response to “Travel to Myanmar – Episode 354”



I really enjoyed this podcast. I appreciate the honest and realistic view on traveling this diverse country. I can’t bring myself to visit yet since the waves of tourists I think are going to do more damage then good in the short term. Lets hope the new Myanmar benefits from tourism and not suffers. I would love one day to go on the adventure Dustin talks about with such love. Thanks for sharing! I already have images of gold tipped pagodas dancing in my head!

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